Saturday 26 September 2020

The Business Lesson I Learned from the Taxi Drivers

Business has only two basic functions - marketing and innovations.
- Peter Drucker
You can have all the money you want. You can make any relationship a success. And You can live the life you want. 

Here is the principle to achieve all that! 

You are about to learn one of the big marketing secret of all time. A secret most of the top companies, industries and businesses in the world have been using in a strategic way. 

If you read to the end, I guarantee you will learn a thing or two that you can start implementing in your business and personal life right away. And if done correctly, the result is assured...

While passing a motor park (over the years), I have watched and observed how taxi drivers (and bus conductors) shout their different destinations to anyone and everyone that is passing.

They talk to over a 100 people just to fill a 14 seater bus. They keep yelling out their destination to every passer-by.
Some passengers know their destination but don't know which vehicle in particular to enter. But as soon as you get to the park, you will hear them (the taxi drivers) calling the name of your destination.
They don't get discouraged if you are not going to their destination.
You will always see them do that several times daily.

Now let's bring the system home to our life and business.
When starting out, it is good to expect that everything will work out well. 

It is good to expect that everyone will show interest in your business. 

It is good to expect that everyone will feel, have or show the same enthusiasm as you, towards your company or business. 

In fact, other companies as yours are making a killing in the business, so why can't yours do the same? 

Well, here is the reality... You cannot expect everyone to be heading to your destination. 

The key lesson here is: Consistency.

Don't stop giving your best even when people or customers are ignoring you. 

keep talking or advertising to people - to get the few that will skyrocket your business.

Focus on those that came to you, give them your attention, satisfy them, and encourage them to bring their friends. 

Don't stop! 

If you stop telling people about your business because you felt they might not need it, you will end up going home empty.
Learn to put your business in the face of your audience ALWAYS.
Don't get discouraged and never you stop telling people about the opportunity that abounds.

Nurture the business that brings you money.
 📷 Success is never by chance nor a mistake! 
Success is for those that showed up and remain consistent in doing what ought to be done.
But then, while trying to talk about your business, don't be salesy.
Offer value, educate, teach, share and then subtly promote your business.
Be shameless about what pays your bills. Be proud of it and it will treat you well in return.
And the last but not the least is: PRODUCE, OR CREATE WHAT YOU WILL BE HAPPY TO PUT YOUR FACE ON. 

Thank you so much for reading. I can't wait to hear your thoughts!

There is more information about this subject on the free e-book I have prepared for you — plus actionable steps on how to discover your strength, talents and purpose in 30 days — Click Here to get it! 


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