Thursday 24 September 2020

If You Wrongly Believe that You Have no Talent, this is for You!


Look intently at yourself—inwardly, and tell me what you see... 

Now, Let's point out something amazing about You...yes YOU!

It's my belief that this article will not only help you discover your talents today, but also realized how to monetize the wonderful gifts inherited by you.

But first, let me share something about myself with you. 

I have a gift of reviving 'supposedly' dead missions. Yep! No one can tell me about a purpose/calling/vision/mission/dream then leave me without a spirit of DO being imparted into them. It is that serious 😎😁. The very core of my being has Optimism ingrained into it. 

Please stay with me, I am taking you somewhere...

As I was saying, simple and steady growth has been the central focus of my life for many years. 

I study what it means to grow and how we can deliberately invite, process, and integrate new growth experiences.

I read, research, experiment, and refine ideas. As I discover meaningful insights, I share them with friends and others who are willing to listen, or via my blog and my facebook page.

I do what I can to support people on their paths of growth. I encourage people to contribute value to the world as well, so we can create compounding ripples of improvement for all. 

I have an insatiable need to share an idea worth spreading even if it touches the heart and mind of just one person in the audience.

Whenever I'm able to help, connect or make myself in service to a fellow human, I count it as an opportunity. Why? 

Because there are people — more than millions out there who can do what I did today (if not better), and for the world to present that opportunity to me, and I cooperate, puts me in the mind and heart of the people. 

And When they remember my favor (and of course, not all), they may feel indebted and in turn, recommends me when the time or the need arrives.

I very often say it out loud to myself in the morning before or during breakfast, "You're here to share your ideas." 

And that is about me... I can go on talking about my goals and achievements, but how does that benefits you?

My purpose of writing this article is about how you can discover your talents and run with it. Will that be too difficult for you? No.. 

Now, let's bring it home to you. Let's explore the survival skills inculcated in you. Many times we want to believe that talent and gifts have to be something like a soprano voice that breaks wine glasses or an innate ability to draw breathtaking portraits. Well, that is far from the truth...very far!

You could be a natural encourager and that person who always finds the good thing in every situation—you could teach people different ways to view the future with optimism.

You could also be that person who easily makes friends and is so great at making others feel comfortable—why not enlight people different areas of public speaking and how to make friends quickly? 

Or maybe you are exceptional at adapting to changes and never one to brood over any form of failure—you could focus on teaching people how to survive on little means. 

So you see, there are so many amazing things about you. And there even exists opportunities to monetize these fantastic talents. Case in point, career transition coaching, life organisation coaching, just to name a few.

Sometimes we take these gems for granted because they are so easy for us to do. Other times we don't discern their value because our educational systems are not designed to take stock of them.

Take out time today and do a comprehensive evaluation of yourself and you will be shocked at what your Father has gifted you. And believe me, He did gift them to you intentionally to help you as well as to help others through you.

So what is that one thing about you that for a long time, you took for granted and placed no value on? Feel free to share in the comment section👇🏻

There is more information about this subject on the free e-book I have prepared for you — plus actionable steps on how to discover your strength, talents and purpose in 30 days — Click Here to get it! 

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