Sunday 6 December 2020

The Matrix Recap #1: Would You Take the Red Pill, or the Blue One?

Neo and the oracle sitting together, discussing.


The Oracle: I know what you are thinking, Neo. That this article is about geeky, boring stuff.

Neo: No. I wasn't thinking about that...

The Oracle: Oh... Really? This is very uncomfortable...

Neo: Yes, it is.

The Oracle: Would you like a cookie?

Neo: No.

The Oracle: I think you should go.

Neo: Me too

[And Neo left in silence.]

The Wachowski brothers should have felt chills down their spines right now without knowing why... Needless to say, that dialogue was not part of the script of the 1999 movie hit, "The Matrix". 

The movie is the first install of a trilogy that feature a story about rebels that fight a desperate war against machine overlords who have enslaved humanity in an extremely sophisticated virtual reality environment. 

This article is about how sometimes we enslave ourselves to a present to which we believe there is no escape, triggered by the fear of change. 

This article which contains a six (6) part series is about how you are empowered to change that cycle and reprogram yourself to look at things from another perspective.

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. Remember that all I am offering is the truth. Nothing more.

[Neo opens his mouth and swallows the red pill.]

Neo is about to take the red pill

If you have seen the movie, in that scene Neo decides to explore the unknown, rather than staying in his current unsatisfying reality . 

It takes a lot of courage to take the red pill... The red pill drives us through uncertainty - a word which has an incredible connotation in our brains. 

Sometimes life forces you into taking the red pill, and sometimes you just can't handle your reality any longer. 

Taking the red pill is acknowledging that there is a problem, and that you need to take action. "Remember that all I am offering is the truth. Nothing more." Taking the red pill means the need for a change. It represents a risk towards the unknown. 

You know what amazes me most?

A lot of persons love the success stories of others, meanwhile they are in the same situation.

They are like: 

"Wow, how did you come up with such a marketing strategy? How did you make it? That is so great".

Even after telling them the secret story, they frown away because it requires dedication, time, energy to also make it.

And they are always too lazy to follow the same process or use same strategy.

What do I mean?

When your competitors
are doing it right,
shamelessly follow
their steps! 

But... either they claim to be busy or don't have time , busy but broke?

Like seriously?

You don’t have time and you are broke.

You don’t have time and you can't meet your basic needs even as a husband and father.

You don’t have time and you are always calling everybody you know to find something, a job, work, vacancy for you.

Some persons

are just too

busy to succeed

When I started my business, i strongly copied my competitors even though I never had the resources. I saw hell in human faces, up and downs, too many energy, time and brainwork, I even wanted to quit because my business is a multi million kind.

But there's something in me I'm still figuring out how I got it, and that is:

"Do or die". 

Lol. Yeah.. Jack MA is my first mentor in business. When I read his story, I laughed at myself.

Small downtime in business and you want to quit!

Then I figured out that...

When you are having a serious, bad and uneasy time in business, that is the moment of mastering. The moment of correcting mistakes.

That is how entrepreneurship is designed. You will face hell, so be expecting it instead of scrolling through other people's success stories and doing nothing.

When I look back to all the things that have happened in my life, each and every single one of them occurred for an important reason, even if at the time it was difficult for me to understand why. 

I would like you to program yourself with this 'thought, and repeat it to yourself as often as you need... Uncertainty is a temporary stage. Fear, uncertainty and doubt are part of a temporary stage. 

No matter how difficult or impossible things might look like right now, you will either be able to find alternatives, or refocus your energies in looking at the challenges from another perspective. 

Empower yourself to believe that. Don't limit yourself to be consumed by what at the present seems like impossible, but give yourself the opportunity to refocus any negative thoughts into 'I will be able to succeed' ones.

Morpheus: Neo, sooner or later you're going to realize just as I did that there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.

Continue to:

The Matrix Recap #2: Knowing the Path and Walking the Path.

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