Tuesday 8 December 2020

The Matrix Recap #3: The Truth

To read #2; click here

Neo at the fighting scene.

Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.

Neo: What truth?

Spoon boy: There is no spoon.

Neo: There is no spoon?

Spoon boy: Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

I was so good spending so much energy fighting my fears and regrets... until I decided to party with them on the weekends... In the beginning, it was not easy.

Here is how
Fear and Procrastination
kept Me Broke
Almost 3 Years

You will read a whole lot of it in the #7 issue of my newsletter. I can't tell you how many books I have currently where ideas, plans, visions and goals have been written down but most of them were never acted upon because of fear and procrastination. 

So when you see me today and think I never had my own fair share with fear and procrastination, it's a lie.

In fact it got so worse that most of my ideas were being executed by others. They didn't come to my house and spy into my book but because of the nature of ideas, anyone who carries the mentality of execution, he or she will stumble on those ideas. 

Have you not wondered why procrastinators always complain about people doing what they would have been doing but fear kept them bound?

I have been able to launch various website and books including online trainings even amidst fears because I know that fear do not kill rather it will paralyze your motion. 

Since I overcame my fears and stopped procrastination, things are now better with my finances.

Here is the lesson:

Life is not going to wait for you until you decide to take action, anyone who takes action wins. So winners don't emerge in life because of great ideas rather they emerge because they take action notwithstanding the obstacles ahead.

Winners emerge
they take action!

Someone reading this will be facing same issue and want to know the solutions to crushing his or her fears and procrastination. There are two major ways which helped me and also works for every client I have worked with; 1. Get a coach, and 2. Time management.


Until you get someone to move you from your comfortable zone, you may think your comfortable zone is a normalcy whereas that's your greatest enemy making fear to consistently thrive. Sometimes what you need is a push not just motivation but a serious push till you overcome that fear.


Procrastination thrives where there are no structures for time management. If you can't manage your time well then procrastination will always be your companion. One of the things that helps you overcome procrastination easily is tracking your time.

What are you doing every minute, second or hour? If you don't apportion productive activities to your minute, seconds and hours then you are inviting procrastination into your habitation.

Learn the art of time management and get a coach who will work with you in crushing your fears.

I've learned over time to accept my imperfections, and look at them as strengths. That doesn't mean that I don't continuously strive to evolve into a better version of me. 

What it means is that I've come to realize that the first step towards redefining the way you look at things (and life in general) is by accepting yourself and understanding how you can net your positives and what you (and others) might perceive as negatives. 

The second key aspect is the acceptance and appreciation of what we think as imperfections in others. We tend to focus so much on bending the spoon - on trying to change behaviors on others - that we miss the opportunity of understanding the value of how beautiful those imperfections can be (and the value they provide). 

Neo at the fighting scene.

Trinity: Neo, no one has ever done anything like this.

Neo: I know, that's why it's going to work.

We are social beings by nature... We like to be accepted, and to feel that we 'belong'. 

One of the most difficult thing to do when empowering yourself is daring to be different... to make the decision of who you allow to be part of your life journey. You heard me well... The decision is about who 'you allow to'.

It's my personal belief that sometimes you simply need to let people go out of your life if they negatively impact your emotional well being - or don't add value to your evolution into a better person. Those decisions can be extremely difficult when they involve people very close to you, like friends or family members. 

There is a difference between temporarily needing some space, and taking people completely out of your life, but they might not easily recognize in which category they fall. They might not understand why you decided to distance from them, and to be crudely honest... you are not obliged to explain. 

People tend to see only one side of the coin, and might view you as egoistic, irresponsible, or unfair, but that is part of the price you pay for staying firm to your core beliefs and principles. 

Liberate yourself from auto-imposed loyalties that are not worth it. It is not easy, but believe me... It's even much more difficult accepting toxic behaviors - that shouldn't be tolerated - simply because 'the norm' says so. 

You do not need to

tolerate unacceptable behavior 

from anyone, regardless of

who that person is. Period.

Empower yourself to be true to your core values, even if they involve tough choices that will change existing relationships. You need to have the maturity to understand that each coin has two sides, so you won't be either 100% right or 100% wrong, but you need to stay true to yourself once you recognize if you need to step back, or if you need to stay firm to your beliefs. 

Cypher: You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize?

[Takes a bite of steak]

Cypher: Ignorance is bliss.

Continue to:

The Matrix Recap #4: Ignorance is Bliss.

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