Sunday 6 December 2020

The Matrix Recap #2: Knowing the Path and Walking the Path

To read #1; click here.

Neo at the fighting scene.

Morpheus: Neo, sooner or later you're going to realize just as I did that there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path...

We are so good looking at things from a 'can't do' attitude, creating infinite scenarios that escalate into even worse things in our minds. 

Now; Stop. Yes, I'm telling you to stop thinking that way right now. I know it might sound easy, and you might think that saying that won't solve your problems in real life... but... 

Here is the truth: 

Your mind can

be your best ally,

or your worst foe. 

Reprogram yourself to believe that whatever is going on right now impacting you negatively is a temporary stage that you will be able to overcome. 

Overthinking problems to which you have no current solutions only lead to desperation, stress (reflected all over you both physically and emotionally), and the impact of your relationships. 

Note that my message is not to ignore the issues, but to be conscious that there are things that you can control, and things that you can't (at least temporarily). 

If you focus your thoughts on what you can't control, you will be consumed by them, but... 

If you focus your energy on the things that you can take action on, you will see that what looks like a gigantic monster can be broken down into tasks and actions, and you will start making progress. It's not about the issue, but how you handle the issue. It's not about what you know, but what you actually do.

Many a times, you're faced with battles to fight, challenges to overcome and tasks which might seem overwhelming.

Why don't you dress closer, let me whisper something in your ear: 

"Brave ones,

don't lose hope!"

Don't succumb to fear or despair. 

Even if you want to feel emotional, fight first! You can always be emotional later.

Might be a book you want to write, 

And you're weighing the magnitude of everything, checking yourself. 

And you're like... This is much, am I sure I can do this? 

It'll take this, take that, challenges, will come from here, come from there...


Prepare yourself adequately, 

And attack it head on with strength and faith. 

After its published you can sit down and mull on all it took you over a glass of chilled juice and biscuits.

Is it an exam or project you're about to take? 

Chill, it's not ludo, but it's not soduku. 

It's not that hard, your fearful mind is just aggrandizing it to you. 

Follow it with zeal and courage!

Or maybe you've planned a thing or two, or you're faced with some challenges.

You really can overcome them all you know, 

Only if you don't look at them with teary eyes like a terrified kid.

The situation might be really personal and stimulating your tear ducts,

Dear, tears won't help. Don't cry all day. 

Give it courage and strength first. Make sure you've successfully overcome, then sit down and cry your pain out.

Whatever the situation may be,

Don't try to run

away from it,

it'll only chase you more. 

Rather, challenge, attack and overcome it.

Don't sit and be doing like Zeeworld actors.

Life is not a movie industry, this is reality!

If you haven't already, sooner or later you're going to realize just as I did that there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path...

Fight fearlessly!,

You can nurse your wounds later, no time now. This is a battle front.

So arise, Sharpen your sword, learn the skills and tactics, 

And call on your challenges for a fight.

Overcome valiantly now.

Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.

Neo: What truth?

Spoon boy: There is no spoon.

Neo: There is no spoon?

Spoon boy: Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

Continue to:

The Matrix Recap #3: The Truth.

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