Thursday 12 November 2020

How to Skyrocket Your Earnings in 6 Months

Do you want to know how to skyrocket your earnings in just six months from now? What if I tell you that you can easily boost your earning potential in 6 months time or Less.

If you want to be the best and learn how to skyrocket your earnings in the next six months, you must first find out what the top people do and then do it yourself.

These tips are not just for business gurus... I wrote this, so everyone can know, or generate the capability it requires to increase their productivity and boost their earnings from any business of their choice without asking for a raise. 

If you have experienced low sales or productivity in your business lately due to lack of motivation or focus, I bet you are going to love this!

Please... Be aware that to move from zero to a hero, some activities will be involved and I may require you to do some works that will enable you to skyrocket your earnings within a six-month-period... 

...and if you quietly follow the steps I'm about to show you and do your homework religiously, you can easily boost your earning potential in 6 months time or Less.

Consider this as learning a new skill and approach it with a new mindset so you can give it the attention that it deserves.

All you need is not just the knowledge but the mindset to understand or translate what seemed to elud everyone and continue to work on it even if the rest should give up. 

That amazing attitude is what separates those at the top from the general public... the rich from the poor. 

A great man once said "if you take all the money in the world and distribute them equally among poor people; After a while all the money will go back to the original owners". Do you know why? 

The poor are mainly consumers and the rich are mainly investors. 

While those labeled as "the poor" continue their exploit on consumption without giving back to the society, those labeled as "the rich" are busy planning on what to invest in, or produce, to meet the needs of the hungry market.

The rich take charge of opportunities.

Now, ask yourself: "Do I have the mind of the rich?"

Show me a POOR man and I will show you a man who

P - Passes

O - Over

O - Opportunities

R - Repeatedly.

A man who sees challenges in every opportunity instead of seeing opportunity in every challenge.

In the future, you (will) have more responsibility especially if you are a man.

You (will) have many mouths to feed especially if you are a man.

Are you up for the challenge? Are you prepared for the unknown? Do you have a strategy?

What does being a man involved?

Being a MAN is not a title, it is a responsibility. It means you have to answer financially in the

M - Morning

A - Afternoon and

N - Night.

You must take great risks to receive greater rewards. 

You must plan and strategize, you must value profit not wages, you must be focused; you must be determined if you want good success. 

And... You must involve God (this part is not a choice... but a must).

If your goal is to skyrocket your earnings in the next six months, then sitting down and bing watching Netflix or playing video games will not lead you there. That is exactly what made the poor to be dependent on the rich today.

Stop seeking for the easy bread. It's not for the kings. 

How can poverty affect you? 

"The worst people on earth to serve are the POOR PEOPLE"

POOR:  meaning  "Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly" goes with its own mentality. 

See the reasons below:


The problem with poor "mentality" is... 

1) Give them for free, they will think it is a trap.

2) Tell them it is a small investment, they will say you can not earn much.

3) Tell them to come in BIG, they will say "I don't have any money".

4) Tell them to try new things, they will say "no experience; has it been proven to work? Who has gained from it before?".

5) Tell them it is a traditional business, they will say "it is too HARD to do".

6) Tell them it is a new business model, they will say "I don't do network marketing and how many years has this business model been existing?".

7) Tell them to run a shop, they will say "I will be tied down, I will have no freedom".

8) Tell them to follow a 1-year business plan, they will say "it is too long. Please, I can not wait for so long".

9) Ask them what can they do? They will say "I can do ANYTHING".

10) They like to ask friends who are as hopeless as themselves to get their opinions. Even the Holy Book acknowledges the fact that blind people don't lead blind people.

11) They think more than a University Professor and do less than a blind man.

Penny wise, Pound foolish.

Does the above described you? 

If yes, please sorry to interrupt your thoughts perttern... But I will explain better... 

One major challenge POOR people have is "LACK OF ACTION!"

They are the first to visit google and type: "How can I increase my earnings in 24 hours without doing anything?" Like seriously??

They enjoy their comfort zone, dwelling and swimming in their "own type of knowledge".

Anything beyond their reason "can not work, and therefore it is fraudulent".

Remember: It is RISKY to take a RISK, but it is even RISKIER not to take any risk at all.

If you want a positive turn-around in your life, I have three (3) advice for you. They are not just advice, but 3 steps you must take now to boost your earnings in the next six months.




You want to increase your earnings in the next six months? Follow me... Let's break it down πŸ‘‡ .

1. BE POSITIVE: Always search or look for the good side in every situation, in business or in every relationship that you find yourself.

Being positive is one of the key traits of successful people, unsuccessful people are negative, they think negative, feel negative, and act negative, which results in them living negative lives of disappointment. 

They bring about misery into their lives with their dominant negative thinking, as what you constantly think about you become.

You need to develop your thinking to a higher standard, think positive, feel positive, and act positive; that will result in you attaining positive results in your life - like boosting your earnings within the next six months apart from requesting for a raise.

I am amazed how some people can choose to be negative and spend their time complaining about their situation and just live their lives in a state of ungratefulness, constantly complaining. 

If you are one of such people I advise you to read this article: Why you should walk away from the 99%

Would you like to make more money?  Well, go to the nearest mirror and negotiate with your boss.  The person in the mirror is the one who determines how much you earn and how well you do in your profession and how much you get paid for it. This is the first step towards learning how to increase your earnings and becoming financially independent.

2. BE SMART: Society celebrates smart people, and rightly so. Our survival depends on good decisions. And a few Moments of brilliance changes the course of history. 

Smart people who open the door to new understandings receive the greatest praise imaginable. 

Or, don't you want to be the one who stands up at the meeting and say, “I have the answer"?

Beyond dreams of elevating humanity to a golden age – and getting all the credit – intelligence just makes life easier. Things seem to come easier to smart people. 

Intelligence lets you solve problems faster, make more money, and work less.

How can you become more intelligent? 

First, forget about people just being born smart. Science has shown that neuroplasticity exists: You can grow brain cells and get smarter. It’s just a matter of how.

Here are 6 exercises for smart people which will bring clarity to your life and help you figure out how to increase your earnings in the next six months and achieve financial independence.

i) Write down in a notepad all of your ideas to make more money.

ii) Take time to relax and reflect on your financial goals.

iii) Gain financial independence using the time travel technique.

iv) Project forward and think back on your financial goals.

v) Practice “Mind-storming” on all your problems.

vi) Save your money until you have a million dollars.

Here is an article that might also help: How to develop a strategic mindset.

3. BE PRO-ACTIVE: Proactive people are constantly moving forward, looking to the future, and making things happen. 

They're actively engaged, and are not passively observing. 

Being proactive is a way of thinking and acting. It means thinking and acting ahead of anticipated events. This is a great method for avoiding more work down the road, and it can also be extremely important for averting problems.

It can also increase or boost your earnings within the next six months too. 

Rather than just watching how things happen, being proactive means taking responsibility for your life and actions. 

Being proactive takes time, since you have to consider your options, weigh alternatives and make your own decision (little wonder most people run away from it).

But the journey can be easier if you follow the 5 P's.

i). Predict.

ii). Prevent.

iii). Plan.

iv). Participate.

v). Perform.

i). Predict: In order to be proactive, you must first develop foresight.

Proactive people are rarely caught by surprise. Learn to anticipate problems, market trends and events. 

Understand how things work; look for patterns; recognize the regular routines, daily practices and natural cycles that exist in your business. 

Don’t simply expect the past to always be an accurate predictor for the future; use your creativity and logic. 

Come up with multiple scenarios for how events could unfold. Proactive people are always on their toes.

ii). Prevent: Proactive people foresee potential obstacles and exert their power to find ways to overcome them before those obstacles turn into concrete roadblocks.

They prevent problems that others would simply look back on in hindsight and claim unavoidable. 

Don’t allow yourself to get swept up in a feeling of powerlessness. When challenges approach, take control and confront them head on before they grow into overwhelming problems.

iii). Plan: Proactive people plan for the future.

Avoid one-step, “here and now” thinking and instead, look ahead and anticipate long-term consequences. Bring the future into the present; what can you do today to ensure success tomorrow? 

Don’t make decisions in a vacuum; every decision is a link in a chain of events leading to one final conclusion. In order to make the best decision, you have to know where you came from, where you are, and where you want to end up.

iv). Participate: Proactive people are not idle observers, they are active participants.

In order to be proactive, you must get involved. You have to take initiative and be a part of the solution. Recognize that you are only a piece of the whole and that you influence—and are influenced by—the actions of others. 

Don’t simply react to them. Engage with them. Exert your influence and make a contribution.

v). Perform: Being proactive means taking timely, effective action.

You must be decisive and willing to do the work NOW. Procrastination is not an option. Take ownership of your performance and hold yourself accountable. Stand behind your decisions. 

Being proactive means you have taken careful, thoughtful steps to choose the appropriate path; you’re not just reacting impulsively to your environment.

In Conclusion

Every entrepreneur that have read this article is capable of increasing his/her earnings within the next six months. 

But the question here now is: "Will You?"

Will you continue to keep yourself busy planning on what to invest in, or produce, to meet the needs of the hungry market?

Will you follow a six-month business plan?

Will you take great risks to receive greater rewards?

Will you go to the nearest mirror and negotiate with your boss?

Will you write down in a notepad all of your ideas to make more money?

Will you save your money until you have a million dollars?

Will you be proactive and take responsibility for your life and actions?

Will you follow, or practice the 5 P's of proactivity?

You must be decisive and willing to do the work NOW. Procrastination is not an option. Take ownership of your performance and hold yourself accountable. Stand behind your decisions. 

Learn to try out new things.

The world is not ruled only by prayer warriors but by mental warriors.

Thinking is the highest paying job in every field. 

Make out time to think CREATIVELY & STRATEGICALLY.

There is more information about this subject on the free report I have prepared for you — plus actionable steps on how to discover your strength, talents and purpose in 30 days — Click Here to get it! 

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