Saturday 8 December 2018

How to keep a friend - 7 Steps

Would you like to make some new friends effortlessly and know how to keep them for as long as you want?

If yes, this article is for you.

We all know it takes a lot of time and effort to acquire new friends that march, or "agree with your spirit" as they say. But it's very important that you don't lose them.

Do you know how to keep a friend?
Wanna know how and why? 

Please read on... 

For one thing, it would look so unloving if you completed the seminar or that big project with them and never bother to get in touch again, including your friends that have moved from your area..

For another, if you keep in touch with them, they are bound to reciprocate your act of love and talk about you with their other friends.
Who knows they may even talk about you when connecting or networking with other companies, who may then employ your services and then, Boom!! you have exploded!

Is that not the kind of result you want to experience in your life? Say No... (smile) Just kidding.

So how do you keep the friends you already have? How do you protect a relationship from getting sour?

Here are 7 ultimate steps to consciously plant yourself in the heart of any friend you don't want to move away from you.

1. Communicate:

Make better use of the tools technology has presently given to you and I.

Keep in touch with them via Telephone, WhatsApp, Imo, Skype, Mail, etc.. on a regular basis (if you can) or once in 7 days. At least, it should be monthly if your circumstances do not allow you to show your love on a weekly basis.

2. Alert them:

When you are in their area, let them know, and try to find the time to meet up with them for a drink or a lunch.
They will love it (I do it a lot).

3. Be a keeper:

Keep the private talk that they have told you about their life's experience. Never disclose it, unless you noticed a situation that could put your friend in danger.

The truth is, a person who reveals the secret talk of others, is like one stealing from Peter to pay Paul, which will only cause trouble in the end.
When that happens, people may not trust you anymore.

4. Keep them updated:

If you don't mind, let them know what's going on, or what is new with you.

I borrowed that concept from the "Facebook Text Box" on the home page which usually display: "What's on your mind?" And it has been working well for me when starting a conversation with my close friends.

5. Play together:

Most times when we mention 'play', most people wrongly associates it with just children.

But, I believe that the man who says, "All works and no play, make Jack a dull boy", is not a drunkard.

There are lots of games been designed for both gender including adult and children, like Chess, Card, Cross World, Monopoly, Ludo, e.t.c. choose the one you both prefer, and Start Playing!

6. Know your boundary:

No matter how close you have become, never take your friend for granted.
Avoid personal jokes that may embarrasses them. And don’t steal from them. Respect their privacy.

7. Be generous:

Greed is the other side of generosity. It destroys friendship in a jiffy.

There was a boy in my class back in college. He will eat your pocket money that you have brought, but never touches his own money.
And when he will eventually buy, he eat alone and don't share with us.

In the end, it affected him, because that act of greed made our friendship to became sported.

Never act in such a way.

Generosity will always make your friendship with others enjoyable, because "a generous person, is a loveable person".

Apply What You Have Learned

An old dear friend once told me the importance of applying what I was learning, so he said:

"Knowledge is not power.. It's only a potential power. It only becomes power when you actually utilize it."

Start by talking to a stranger every day online and offline. Continue to build your self-esteem and confidence... then let me know what comes out after a month.

Now you are helping others, by inviting them here.
Our mission is to help people learn, and I really hope this article helped you.

Comment below to let me know you read this article.

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