Wednesday 26 April 2017

7 Tips to Build a Strong Work Ethic

Everybody around the globe is working... 

But very few of us, gets and meet their desired results and goals. Why? 

Most people are missing the special ingredients needed to achieve their desired result in life.

And what is that ingredients? 

Please read on.. I will explain everything to you...

First, I want you to remember this simple fact: “Whether you work or not, the time will still pass anyway. So use your time wisely”... 

Below are seven suggestions to get you working productively, and If you’ve been stuck in a lazy rut lately, this is specially for you.

1.    Start your day with VIGOR.

When you wake up, get up. Get moving and get going. Continue it, and it will become a habit.

If you aren’t doing this naturally already, then make use and respect the utility of a quality alarm clock. 

When your alarm sounds, pop out of bed and stand up first; then you can switch it off with your feet firmly on the ground.

If you are having difficulties and can’t wake up strongly in the morning, then fix your disgusting diet that’s draining you of energy and motivation instead of fuelling you powerfully (a purpose which I believe food is meant for).

Start each day with a strong morning, and the rest of the day will tend to follow. 

Move with power and purpose during that first hour.. and Own your mornings. 

Maintain this attitude of mastery over your time as far into each day as possible, and watch the outcome.

The results will wow you!

2.    Exercise! Exercise!! Exercise!!!
Do you know that Exercising strongly (especially in the morning) can set your full body on fire? 

The brain loves it too. 

A strong work ethic begins with a disciplined morning routine. Don’t be caught lying on your back half-conscious, dragging yourself out of bed in a lazy half-start to your day.

If the President of the USA can find time in his exceedingly busy schedule to exercise for 45 minutes each morning, you surely have time.

Your body is meant to move. Your brain especially suffers from a lack of exercise, leading to imbalances in hormones and neurotransmitters. 

Physical exercise is one of the brain’s best rejuvenators. 

Don’t allow your mind to be dragged down by a sluggish body (you are too precious for that). 

If you have difficulty focusing your mind, start by focusing on your body.

When you exercise, make it challenging. Yes; don’t just do the same thing over and over alone. 

Mix it up. Push yourself. Make it intense. Give yourself not only a physical challenge but also a mental one. 

Embrace the terrific feeling of accomplishing something difficult each day, ideally in the morning. Kick off your day with a physical victory.

Know this: 
Exercise isn’t just training for your body. It’s training for your mind — and especially for your self-discipline.

3.    Accept that results require hard work.

There is no fatigue so wearisome as that which comes from lack of work. 

Remind yourself of the simple causality chain from decision to action to results. That middle phase is where most of the work is.

Keep it in mind, if you have no willingness to ever work your ass off, 

if you have such resistance to the very notion of pushing yourself, 

if you have an overdeveloped sense of entitlement that all the goodness of life should flow to you with effortless ease, that’s great. 

Then, you can read this article purely for entertainment purposes.

But — if you’re a more pragmatic realist, and you can recognize that many goals are too big and challenging just to attract and manifest out of thin air, 

if you can see that the whole point of tackling bigger goals is to develop yourself into a person of bold action, 

if you can accept that avoiding action altogether is a recipe for stagnation, and especially if you’re tired of not getting the results you actually want and having to settle for less, 

then perhaps you can make this important leap and accept that some of your goals will require you to achieve them with hard work, lots of disciplined, and a focused action.

4.    Self-discipline vs. Laziness.

How does self-discipline vs. laziness feels to you?

Notice that during those times when you actually do discipline yourself to take action, it often feels fantastic once you get past the first 15 minutes or so (right?).

Remember what it feels like to push yourself beyond your comfort zone and get into the flow of action.

Tell me: 

How did you feel when you put in that extra hour? 

To go to work when you could have justified taking an extra day off? 

To put in the time to complete that optional creative project? 

Sure.. it involved some sacrifice (definitely). 

But what did you give up? Extra TV time, a little web surfing, and some time lying flat on your back perhaps. 

And what did you gain for your efforts? It wasn’t just the end result (remember). You grew stronger. 

Seriously my friend, inaction can be unforgiving.
Because, it kills your results, drains your energy, waste your time, and drains you of hope.  

As for self-discipline; it pays you back with all of these results and more, including significantly greater happiness, fulfilment, and self-esteem. 

You can’t afford to miss these.

5.    So.. Embrace responsibility.

Whatever you do, recognize that no one is coming to rescue you. You are on your own. 

No one will force you into the flow of action. You must do this for yourself.

The lazy avoidance of responsibility isn’t for you. 

You don’t want stagnation. You want growth, and this requires action, movement, and changes that will come from you. 

This will requires you to make some decisions and get going.

Do not confuse laziness with ease. 

In the long run, laziness yields only pointless difficulties and painful regret — and rightly so since you’ll always know you could have avoided those difficulties if you’d really stepped up; and don’t put this burden of action on anyone else. 

It rests squarely on your shoulders, if for no other reason than because you’re the one who ultimately has to shoulder the results.

6.    Do a real challenging work before lunch.

Idleness warps the mind. That’s why nobody can think straight who does not work. 

So Kick off each workday with a mental challenge. Don’t start with something light and cushy. 

Dive right into a challenging task that some part of you would rather avoid. Train yourself to embrace what’s difficult instead of pushing it away.

You know, when you avoid difficult tasks by pushing them later into your day, soon you’ll justify bumping them into the next day… 

and then the next one… and then into next week… and then you’ll realize this little postponement has somehow ballooned into months of procrastination. 

So, to avoid a difficult task this moment is to condition the habit of postponing difficulties indefinitely. This is no way to claim the benefits that come from doing difficult work.

Avoid the habit of resisting difficult tasks. 

Embrace them as your daily resistance training, and you’ll see benefits that come from doing difficult work.

7.    Know Your Values.

Pay special attention to your values—The reasons why you do the work that you do, and the reason you get up from bed every morning. 

Take some time to carefully consider your values and then write them down. 

You might value creativity, solving problems, helping others or any number of things (but your values will always be unique to you). 

Thinking about why you want to work harder can be the only boost in motivation you need.

In addition, you'll be much happier with your life if you live by your personal values; each and every day. 

Most people think that success is about just making money or reaching your goals. It's beyond that; Success is about doing what's important to you, and maintaining the process while you are happy doing it. 

Your work ethic will naturally improve as a result, if you never give up.

What next?

You have learned what it takes to be a strong ethical work man. 

It is ultimately a matter of becoming an action-oriented person. 

Steer your self-development path in this direction. 

Decide that you’ll grow into a person with a strong, powerful work ethic. 

The doing part will flow more easily if you can embrace the “being” part of it.

(Continue and Read the second part of this article — HERE)






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