Friday 28 April 2017

7 Tips to Build a Strong Work Ethic (Part 2)

To read part 1; Click Here.

If it is a must to achieve your goal and purpose in life, then it is equally a must to apply yourself in or exert yourself vigorously to attain it. 

There must be action on your part. 

There is no shortcut to success and there is no half success. 

As we continue to explode with knowledge, our heads becomes filled with distractions (lot of distractions) causing discouragement and making us to think we have to do so much to succeed. 

In reality, all that you need is a plan, time and a strong work ethic that will govern your action to bring your desired result. 

We must accept the challenge of staying focused in this world of increasing distraction and see how far we can push our self-discipline.

Do not fear going forward slowly; fear only to stand.

Below are seven suggestions to get you working productively.

1.    Start taking action.

Wishing for something to be done never make it done. Start taking action from today. To achieve your purpose, you need to start taking action and Start DOING. 

Make it your goal and determine never to be idle… It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing. 

Taking action produces faster results than thinking about taking action. 

Many of the problems people discuss endlessly could be resolved with less than 10 minutes of direct action.
Repeatedly driving yourself to get into action creates flow (and feels good). 

2.    Create a good purpose.

Destiny is not the part giving to us, but the part we choose for ourselves.

Set your purpose straight and then act in alignment with that purpose. Don’t just spin in circles doing pointless busy-work that won’t lead you to your desired results. 

When you work, work towards an end result as you desired. Plan each day in advance, ideally at the end of the previous workday. 

During this time, check back in with your mission to see if you are on track. 

Plan your days in alignment with your long-term priorities; and as you consider possible actions to take, ask yourself which ones will matter in a year, two or three years later. 

Load the bulk of your time with actions that you expect will produce long-term improvement.

3.    Replace bad habits with good ones.

If a habit will do you little or no good to maintain for the next three years, then why are you keeping it in your life? 

Note: Don’t try to break bad habits. You can’t replace a habit with a void or an empty area or space. 

Instead, select better substitutes that you can condition in place of the old ones. 

Don't just say: "I want to quit this lateness attitude" alone. Promise yourself, and start to reward yourself anytime you move early to a meeting (don't waver - you know it's good for you).

4.    ...But earn your rewards first.

Don’t waste time. It is precious. Work first, and then play. 

Play is sweetest when it’s earned. So is sleep. 

Earn your sleep each night by working hard on your goals during the day. Go to bed with the sweet smile of accomplishment still on your lips.

Take your rewards. Enjoy your life... 

The idle man does not know what it is to enjoy rest, for he has not earned it... 

Playing before you’ve earned your play-time, robs the play of much of its pleasure. If you love to play, then you’d better love to work.

And When you are resting or playing, leave your work at work and don’t destroy the restorative value of non-work activities by bleeding half-work into them.

5.     Be vigilant in choosing your associates.

A bad association, spoil a useful habit. 

So the saying goes: “Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are”. 

Choose your peers with care, for they could affect your life either positively or negatively. 

A lazy person, whatever the talents with which he set out, will have condemned himself to second-hand thoughts and to second-rate friends. 

Maintain high standards for your social circle. Keep yourself at arm’s length from the lazy, the unproductive, and the negative minded. 

A weak social circle is a psychological prison.

Befriend and associate with the hard-working, ambitious, successful people, and you’ll soon count yourself among them.

6.    Action beget result and success.

Wishing for more from life is wonderful, but don’t use the Law of Attraction as an excuse for laziness. 

You are free to keep wishing for more from life. But recognize that your own hard, disciplined work efforts are often integral to the manifesting process... 

The Law of Attraction works best when every fiber of your being is congruent with your desires.

How congruent are you when you’re sitting on your couch watching TV while intending more abundance to come into your life?

The hidden truth your enemy will hardly tell is: “you look a lot more congruent; when you work your ass off during the day taking actions that you believe will help you achieve your goal faster”. 

So, if you fritter away most of your days by sleeping in late, if you spend hours doing low value tasks that don’t need to be done (and calling it research), and if you end most of your days with that sinking feeling that you could have done a lot better, that isn’t manifesting.

That’s just being lazy.

If you want to become better at manifesting your desires, then step into the difficulties of making tough decisions. 

Yes. Accept the challenge of staying focused in a world of increasing distraction and see how far you can push your self-discipline. 

Explore fresh ways to create and share value with the world. 

Motivate yourself to take action. Because, if you don’t, nothing (I repeat) nothing will take place

But if you think you’re good at manifesting, then manifest some focus, drive, and self-discipline, and you’ll find that your ability to experience what you desire increases significantly. 

No more sitting on the sidelines hoping for changes that never arrive.

Manifest strength and motivation. Then use them to your benefit. That’s what you really desire. 

Don’t waste your strength and your time on unworthy short-cut intentions that would only weaken you if you actually received them.

7.    Maintain Your Focus and Persistence

All the suggestions above could lose their value if you have no focus and persistence. 

You see, people with a good work ethic have the ability to stay focused on tasks for as long as necessary to get them done; and building persistence will allow you to basically train yourself to work for longer periods of time while also working harder. 

But it is also important though, to balance persistence with adequate rest to reduce the risk of burnout. 

So focus is equally as important as persistence when it comes to work ethic. 

Focusing will allow you to finish tasks more efficiently while avoiding distractions. 

But if you always find it difficult to do great things, then, do the little you know in great ways.

What next?

Now that you have learnt what it takes to be a strong ethical work man, can you allow yourself to become a hard worker? 

When someone asks if you have a strong work ethic, can you see yourself saying YES without hesitation? 

If so, keep doing it.

For now, go do something truly challenging for the next few hours.

And when you're done, come back and tell me how you're felling in the comment box below.







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